Mrs. Mortimer's Classroom Charts
Thursday, May 19, 2016
What is a summary?
Subtraction Strategies
Addition Strategies
Launching readers workshop
Compare and contrast language
Collecting I deas for personal narratives
Show not Tell
Area and Perimeter
Nonfiction Summary
Text structure
How to research
Collaborative conversation frames
Generating ideas for personal narratives
Writing multiplication story problems
Common and Proper Nouns
Explaining solution method for multiple step problems.
Concluding a story by keeping the heart in mind
Story hooks
Addition Strategies
Number lines
How to Write Persuasive Speeches
Independent reading expectations
Story Summary
Tackling tough words
Reading Comprehension Behaviors
Reading to Learn
Text Features
Character Study
Character Arc
Inferring about characters feelings and traits.
Understanding character motivation
Writing a fairy tale adaptation
Dialogue rules
What is a Fraction?
Division as sharing and grouping
Division Strategies
The writing cycle bulletin board
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